Hello Baby Blackgold!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Dear Baby,
I am happy to share that we have started our preparation at home for your arrival. We ordered as much of the furniture for your bedroom as we could. We will soon order the other piece when it gets to the babies-r-us warehouse. I hope you like the furniture. Actually, I know that you will! It's woodsy, natural and sturdy. Your grandma went with us to order it. We wanted to show her the place where we will probably get most of the things that we will need for you. You already have to the MOST most important thing, a family that loves you very, very much! We are so excited that you will be joining us.

In addition to ordering things for your room, Grandma J and I started to prepare the room. We boxed up a lot of mommy's things. We are clearing the space, the way for you in more ways than one. Hopefully, we can have your cousins, uncles and aunts over to help us more your furniture into your room. We will purify the space with all of the love and excitement we have for your arrival.

Keep growing well!

In love,

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Hello Baby! You are 25 weeks old now, and you seem to be growing very, very well judging the size of my stomach. I am still learning your rhythms. I guess it will become clearer as your living quarters get a little more cramped.

Your grandmother is here with me this weekend. She came at my request despite all the cookouts and get togethers going on at home. I haven't seen her in about a month and she can't believe how much we've grown in that amount of time.

Baby, Please continue with your miraculous, healthy growth. Grandmom (she wouldn't want to be called that, so you'll have to be creative when you are old enough to refer to her...although, she might eventually say that she doesn't care what you call her, she's just love to hear YOU call her name)...Anyway, grandma is going to help out with a few things this weekend. We are going to pick up a few things for you and prepare a little more for your debut in a few months.


Friday, May 19, 2006

Good Morning, Baby. We are entering our 6th month today. This is very exciting!!! As always, I wish that I could peek in and see what you are doing. You are moving pretty regularly. I know the sensations quite well now. I don't what hiccups feel like yet. Maybe you've had them, maybe you haven't yet. We have a lot to do to prepare for you. I will probably start with your room this weekend. Right now, your room has many things that you may enjoy one day like mommy's drum set, her books, floor pillows and desk. We will have to prepare another space for those things so that we can get you cozy and comfy in the space that will be yours when you join us outside of the womb. (smile) although we can't wait to see you, we want you to stay in there as long as you need to. We've asked your ancestors to watch over you and us as you develop and always. As you will learn, if you don't already know, we are powerfull beings. We create with our words. I don't want my "can't wait" 's to see you to be interpreted by the Universe as I want to see you before you are finished developing fully. So maybe I should say, 'I look forward to seeing you.'

With Lots of Love,

Monday, May 15, 2006

Things to do Before Baby Arrives!!!

  1. Select Name
  2. Fix Nursery
  3. Register
  4. Sign up for Birthing and Baby CPR class
  5. Give my sister a date for the Baby Shower (I keep forgetting)

I know there is more, but that's all I can think of right now.

Hello Baby!!!!

This is the first post on Hello Baby Blackgold!!! I created this page because I think about the baby all the time. There are things that I want to say to the little one and I don't want to turn my Blackgold's Spot blog into a baby blog. So here is the place.

This space will hold my notes and thoughts to Baby!

I am so excited about you Baby! I look at the pictures of you taken at age 21 weeks often. You are formed and growing well. I wish that I can peek in often and see what you are doing. I feel your movements often now. I want you to know that Daddy and I think about you often. We love you and we can't wait to see you. We look forward to seeing you. I want you to continue growing well. Continue being beautifull! Continue being Spirited!! I look forward to getting to know you. I already love you and protect you. Thinking of you always!

Mommy BG